



1- Catching and selecting

Anchovies are catched with sustainable catching techniques. During the spring, the season during which the anchovy has a better fat balance, is the optimal time to be canned.

2- Beheading, removing the intestines and salting 

Once we have the fresh anchovy we will proceed with the beheading and removing of the intestines by hand. Then, quickly  introduce the anchovies in large round tins in layers, that is, placing anchovies among salt. Later,  we need to cover the content of the tins with heavy weight to obtain the perfect dehydration and fat removal of the anchovies.

The length of the process known as salting will be between 4 and 6 months. Depending on the room temperature which, if possible, should be between 18ºC and 25ºC untill the anchovies turn reddish and appropiate aroma, texture and flavour.

3- Product transformation, salting and canning

When the anchovies reach the optimal characteristics we will inciate the transformation process by drying them, removing the skin and obtaining the exact content of salt. This process is known by the name of “sobar la anchoa” (handling the anchovy).

We now start the filletting by hand, separating the anchovy in half along the backbone.

We remove any remaning bones and skin and begin the process of canning in a careful and tidy  manner introducing them in glass jars. When the jars are packed with anchovies we pour olive oil until covered.



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