Marmita Marinera



–  ½ kg. of tuna fillet

–  1.5kg. of potatoes

–  1dl. of olive oil

–  1 large onion

–  Hot water









Peel the potatoes and ‘crack’ them into small cube like pieces. In a small pot fry the finely shopped onion till golden, almost crispy.  We add sliced green pepper.

Add the potaoes to the fried sauce and fry them gently, stiring constantly so everything obtains a golden colour.

Now, we add hot water till covering content.

When the water reaches the boiling point we add the tuna fillets, previously cut in medium pieces, and continue with low heat till tuna is tender. Turn the heat off and leave it for around half an hour.

It is recommended to be consumed within a day, otherwise the potatoes could harden.


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